pastillemm         The Company


IMG 2219

      Sara Mangano and Pierre-Yves Massip met in 1994 at the Marcel Marceau school of Mime and ever since then we have chosen to explore together the vast world of their imagination. For over fifteen years, they have worked as a duo to shape a gestural and visual theatre where the body is both the tool and the goal. "We work with the drama of movement that can echo our everyday lives with all its little ups and downs as well as take us on an epic lyrical journey into our thoughts".

A poetic and popular theatre that whilst rooted in the grammar of mime desires to enrich itself with the vocabulary of other new theatrical styles.

Theirs shows have been toured around the world: China, United States, Kossovo, Poland, Iran, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Engalnd,Israel, Chili, Porto Rico,     Singapore, Montenegro, Germany, Korea, Brasil...

Their work has given birth to numerous shows: « Rémanence»,  « Les Aimants», « Archibald et Margaret », « Tell me the truth and other stories », «The adventures of Pym the clown », « The 4 seasons » and the work in progress « Life in a box ».

We are very attached to the idea of transmitting our art, and our teaching is based on the understanding and use of the three major mime techniques: Marcel Marceau, Etienne Decroux and Jacques Lecoq. We strive for the recognition of the Art of Mime in the theatrical world and the eyes of the general public. We have created many projects with this goal in mind, notably: Mim’Provisation and Mimesis.