The Team
A graduate of the Academy of classical and contemporary dance at Italy’s «Teatro Nuovo Torino» in 1994 and of the « Ecole de Mimodrame Marcel Marceau » in 1997. Sara participated in the creation of Marceau’s works «The Bowler Hat » and «Fantastic Tales » with which she toured worldwide, she also assist M. Marceau in his one man show and workshop. Her background in dance and comedy has permitted her to perform in a wide variety of productions, including: «Les Possédés» by Dostoïevski directed by Michele Salimbeni, «Histoire du Soldat» by Stravinsky directed by Antoine Campo and choreographed by Jean Guizerix and in the stilt theatre production «Callate !» with the company Cavaluna. She also play and imagine the choreography for this season production of “Malade Imaginaire” directed by Alain Gautré. She often collaborates, for the choreographically part, with orchestras and music ensembles as « Le Poème Harmonique » directed by Vincent Dumestre, « A’ Portée de Notes » directed by Silvain Audinovsky and the Orchestre National d’Ile de France. During 10 years she serves as Artistic director of Acta Fabula, and she written and directed many shows as: «Les marchands de Ciels» « Rinascita » « S.eau.S » « L’ombra di Garibaldi » and “Rhapsodie Planète”. Now she direct in duo with Pierre- Yves Massip, the Company Mangano-Massip: they are touring with three different shows “Archibald & Margaret” “Pym the Clown” and “Tell me the truth” recently presented at the Mime London Festival 2012. She teach professional workshops in many different countries and she collaborates with «l’Accademia Sofia Amendola” in Rome Sara has graduated of the method Peak-Pilates.
He graduated with honours, and was invited to perform in “La Nouvelle Compagnie de Mimodrame Marcel Marceau” in the works "The Bowler Hat " and «Fantastic tales » with which he toured internationally for eight years. He is also one of the last assistants of the Master. At the same time, he continued his training in mime with Ivan Bacciocchi, in acting at Ange Magnétic Théâtre directed by Antoine Campo and in clown with Alain Gautré. He works with Sara Mangano since 15 years. Together, they have been professors of physical theatre at the «conservatoire du VI° arrondissement » in Paris, artistic directors of the Company Acta Fabul, and they finally created their own company : Company Mangano-Massip. They also led many workshops all around the world. Pierre-Yves also collaborates a lot with the theatre director Alain Gautré, in “L’Avare”, “Georges Dandin”, “Le Malade Imaginaire” by Molière and “Le Gai savoir du clown” actually on tour.